MAFI Ministry

Marriage and Family Intimacy

Live Concert - New York, 2020

Who We Are

Edna and Fred Idehen are ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They have been married for over twenty-three years and are blessed with three beautiful children; Chukwuzam, Dumkele, and Noye.  Fred and Edna have been involved in marriage and family ministry for over 15 years. Their love for God and His people is passionately expressed in their service in the church and community.

The Story

Marriage is a beautiful institution! It is the purest, the deepest, and the highest form of human relationships. Marriage is so profound that the apostle Paul likened it to the mystery of Christ and His Church.God conceived the idea of marriage and established the first couple; Adam and Eve, all by himself. Adam and his bride were surrounded with love and beauty, God provided everything they would ever need.  The Lord gave Adam and Eve dominion over the works of His hands. The  couple enjoyed intimacy with each other and with God; until the enemy in the form of a serpent came in and deceived Eve.

The enemy attacked not only man’s relationship with God, but also set the man and his wife against each other, disrupting their intimacy (spirit, soul and body).

Today the marriage institution is far from what God intended. Family units are falling apart, divorce is rampant, and innocent children are caught in the mix.  Sadly, the marriages of believers in the church are struggling as well. Many feel trapped in an unhappy marriage and stay in it only for appearances’ sake. Others throw their hands up in despair, and count it an act of courage to ask for a divorce. Consequently, the body of Christ is fragmented, families are broken, nations are in turmoil. Many young ones are disillusioned and calculatively avoiding the marriage institution.

It does appear that the enemy has cleverly engaged our help to devalue and destroy the most esteemed institution of marriage. He targets to break down the intricate connection (spirit, soul and body) between the man and his wife; just as he is after the intimate union of Christ and His bride (The Church). 

Our Vision

The Marriage and Family Intimacy (MAFI) Ministry was born out of our desire to stand with God to uphold the marriage institution. We have a vision to rebuild and strengthen marital relationships, reconnect individuals within the family, and restore meaning and purpose to marriage and family relationships. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to build marriages and families that honor God and reflect God’s original purpose and design. We do this through organizing marriage seminars and family events designed to equip couples with the necessary tools to promote intimacy (spirit, soul, and body), and bonding amongst family members, in an atmosphere of faith in Jesus Christ. We firmly believe that stronger family relationships will reveal the power of the church, give rise to better communities, and ultimately enrich our lives as a nation and a people.

Do you wish for more in your marriage? Great relationships don’t just happen. A successful marital relationship requires regular and deliberate investment in each other and in the relationship. We invite you to be a part of what God is doing through the Marriage and Family Intimacy (MAFI) Ministry. Come and be a part of seminars, couples’ retreats and family-oriented events designed to foster unity and equip couples and families to build according to God’s design.